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Changing Card Type (TODO)

Individually Change Card Type

TODO copy/paste from quickstart

  • can determine which fields are "binary fields" or not by the Fields page

Default Card Type

TODO video

If you want to change the card type for all new cards, you can simply fill the field in Yomitan's Anki Card Format.

For example, if you want to set the default card type to be a sentence card:

  • Navigate to Yomitan settings, and then to AnkiConfigure Anki card format....
  • Set IsSentenceCard to 1.

This will set all new cards to be a sentence card by default.

However, what if you don't want ALL new cards to be sentence cards? With the power of Yomitan handlebars, it is possible to selectively fill fields depending on select properties of the target word.

Is Hiragana

New in version (latest version:

Helpers: {jpmn-filled-if-word-is-hiragana}{jpmn-filled-if-word-is-not-hiragana}

If the word is purely comprised of hiragana, you can create different card types by default using these helpers.

For example, let's say you want the default card to be a vocab card, but want hiragana terms to be TSCs. To do exactly that, do the following:

  • Navigate to Yomitan settings, and then to AnkiConfigure Anki card format....
  • Set IsTargetedSentenceCard to {jpmn-filled-if-word-is-hiragana}.
Example behavior (click here)
Example word {jpmn-filled-if-word-is-hiragana} {jpmn-filled-if-word-is-not-hiragana}
ふらっと 1
トイレ 1
成り立つ 1
ぶつぶつ 1
ブツブツ 1


This was inspired by Marv's hint sentence for kana cards.

Is Grammar point

New in version (latest version:

Helpers: {jpmn-filled-if-grammar-point}{jpmn-filled-if-not-grammar-point}

These helpers check if the word exists in a grammar dictionary. Of course, this can only work if you have a grammar dictionary installed in the first place.

The exact list of grammar dictionaries can be customized with the opt-grammar-override-dict-regex option.

Is Onomatopoeia

New in version (latest version:

Helpers: {jpmn-filled-if-on-mim}{jpmn-filled-if-on-mim}

These helpers check if a dictionary entry is an Onomatopoeia word. It does this specifically by checking if the on-mim tag exists on any dictionary entry. This design is unique to JMdict, so you must have a JMdict dictionary installed in order for this helper to function.

Batch Change Card Type

You may want to change the card type of many existing cards all at once. For example, you may have cards imported into JPMN, or cards that were simply not created by Yomitan in the first place.


As always, before mass editing your collection, please backup your Anki data.

There are three ways of batch changing the card type:

You can use the fill_field and empty_field batch commands. For example, the following batch commands fill and empty the IsSentenceCard field, respectively:

fill_field IsSentenceCard
empty_field IsSentenceCard
More info about these batch commands can be found here.


You can use a Batch Editing Addon to do the changes.

Batch Change: Is Hiragana

If you used to have Marv's "Automatic Hint Sentence for Kana Cards" setup, you might be interested in replicating that for old cards. In order to do so, the fill_field_if_hiragana batch command is provided to fill the provided field of all cards that have hiragana-only terms.

For example, the following batch command fills the IsHintCard, which turns all cards with hiragana-only terms into Hint Cards, meaning a hint sentence is shown below the word.

fill_field_if_hiragana IsHintCard

If you want to have this be the default for all new cards, see here.

Last update: May 17, 2024