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Custom CSS


Since this note is still in beta, the CSS itself, including the class names and structure of the HTML, is subject to heavy change. This is because when mobile support is being worked on, the CSS will likely heavily change to support mobile.

If you are planning on changing the CSS, be vigilant with potential changes in future updates!

How To Add Custom CSS

If you have already read the Modding Overview page, you should already know that there are two ways of modding the note:

  1. You can directly edit the CSS files, but lose all the changes you made when you update.

    This is the plug-and-play solution and requires no additional setup.

  2. (Recommended) Create new CSS files, which are built with the note to extend the current CSS. This allows you to not lose changes between updates.

    Unfortunately, this requires additional setup, and will likely take some time to get working.

Option 1: How to directly edit the CSS (click here)


When editing any of the style sheets below, it is recommended to append the given CSS code to the very bottom of the existing css instead of adding to the existing CSS. This is to avoid potential errors where the existing css may potentially override your custom css.

  • Any time style.scss is mentioned, edit the styles sheet in the Anki template. This can be accessed by:

    (Main window) → BrowseCards... (middle of the screen) → Styling (top left)

  • Any time fields.scss is mentioned, edit the fields.css file under the addons folder:

  • Any time editor.scss is mentioned, edit the editor.css file under the addons folder:

Option 2 (Recommended): How to extend the CSS (click here)
  1. Build the note if you haven't already, and ensure everything works.

  2. Make a new folder under (project root)/src/scss (for example, src/scss/extra).

  3. Add the folder to the end of css-folders in This should result in the following:

    "css-folders": ["base", "responsive", "dictionaries", "extra"],
  4. Under the extra folder, use the following files to override the correct css:

    • style.scss: The main CSS for the card templates.
    • field.scss: The CSS used by CSS injector to customize individual fields.
    • editor.scss: The CSS used by CSS injector to customize the editor around the fields.

    All of the files are optional. This means you do not need to create all three files for the folder to be valid.

    The resulting folder should be of the format:

    (project root)
      L src
         L scss
            L base
               L ...
            L dictionaries
               L ...
            L extra
               L field.scss
               L editor.scss
               L style.scss
  5. Rebuild and reinstall the template. The css should be automatically applied to the note.


You might have noticed that this is the SCSS, not CSS. However, SCSS is complete superset of CSS (with some small exceptions). In other words, if you don't know any SCSS, you can write normal CSS and have it behave completely the same.


See the UI Customization page for many examples on how CSS can be used.

Last update: December 15, 2022